The only service that meets all your needs

The firm

Heirs to more than 30 years of experience, we are creative in our search for solutions.

Legal Services

Both to start new projects and to minimise the damage that our assets may suffer, having a lawyer on our side is the best guarantee of peace of mind. A trusted professional to whom you can turn when you have doubts.

If you are looking for a team of experts in the areas of law that affect your personal life and your business. A partner who accompanies you at all times, with a sense of humour, who gives you the energy to carry on without losing sight of the most valuable goal for you, we are what you are looking for.

We can help you

Consultancy and business Advice

Flexibility is our key. Whether you need a professional to review your accounts weekly or just a regular pre-declaration review. Whether you need a comprehensive labour management of a workforce or you are an individual freelancer, we have what you need. You can count on us throughout your entire life cycle. We are there from start to finish.

We advise you without obligation

Professionalism and experience to give you the result you are looking for

Our team

Marc Fargas Esteve


Isabel Castilla Perez

Consulting Area. Social Graduate

Marta Calatayud Drets

Responsible Consulting Area. Lawyer

Araceli Beltran Garcia

Consulting Area. Lawyer

Carlos Jerez Fabrega

Consulting Area. Lawyer

Biel Buades Collell

Bgestió Casanova Manager

Margarita Altadill Colominas

Property Administration Manager

Samuel Vázquez

Tax Area

Lorena Fregine Márquez

Real Estate Area

Sergi Suarez Lapeña

Bgestio. Social Graduate

A partner who accompanies you

At all times

A team that unites economists who saw the birth of the VAT tax with lawyers who are just starting out with a cutting-edge technological base for day-to-day management without losing personal attention. We believe that diversity is the way of the future and we recruit people with a growth mindset, a passion for clients and a willingness to develop personally and professionally. If you want to be part of this project, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you want to be part of this project, do not hesitate to contact us.

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