Special offer for health and education personnel

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We are presenting a special offer for health and education staff in order to thank them for the special work they are doing.

With each step in the de-escalation process, the applause and protests at the state of public health care are becoming fewer and fewer. We do not forget and thank the staff who care for our loved ones. We offer a free legal consultation with a member of our team to health and teaching staff as well as a 10% discount on the fees of any legal proceedings they have to initiate. It is a small contribution, we know, but we hope it will be one of many.

Bases de la oferta especial para el personal sanitario y de enseñanza:

1. Includes a 45-minute consultation with a registered lawyer, social worker or tax advisor, depending on the subject to be dealt with. 2. Offer valid until 30th September 2020. 3. The 10% discount will be applied to our fees, not including supplements or expenses. 4. Health or teaching card must be presented. 5. This offer is available to the holder of the card or their spouse or common-law partner or minor family members who live with them and are dependent on them.

Contact us and don’t forget to follow us on social networks for more information on matters of interest: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube.

Offer valid until 31/03/2021.

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