Special offer for families

Families come in all sizes, colours and shapes. Whatever yours is, we are here to support you with a special offer for families. If you are welcoming a new member we will help you to make the paperwork less of a problem. Our team will guide you through the process.

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Special pack “We are one more!”

Families come in all sizes, colours and shapes. Whatever yours is we are here to support you with a special offer for families.

If you are welcoming a new member we will help you to make the paperwork less of a problem. Our team will guide you through the process.

This service package includes the most common services but is adaptable to different circumstances:

  • Interview with a member of our team who will inform you of the steps to follow, collect the necessary documentation to complete the paperwork included and give you recommendations to keep your family safe and prepared for whatever may happen.
  • Online registration at the Civil Registry.
  • Application for a birth certificate
  • Management of paternity and maternity benefits.
  • Telematic registration for health care.
  • Application to the AEAT for the maternity deduction.

With our special offer for families, for only €120 you can forget about paperwork and focus on what’s really important, your family.

Offer valid until 31/12/2020 or change of tariffs.

Image credits: Pixabay

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