Solar Farms

Solar farms are on everyone's lips, their mass roll-out is both a source of doubt and enthusiasm among farmers and environmentalists; from a legal, fiscal and financial point of view they are complex projects. If you have an extensive undeveloped property or want to acquire a completed project we can help you. For example: - Industrial buildings with unused roofs - Vacant land - unprotected rural areas with little forest cover

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solar farm


Solar farms are on everyone’s lips, their mass roll-out is both a source of doubt and enthusiasm among farmers and environmentalists; from a legal, fiscal and financial point of view they are complex projects. If you have an extensive undeveloped property or want to acquire a completed project we can help you. For example:

  • Industrial buildings with unused roofs
  • Vacant land
  • Unprotected rural areas with low forest cover

What is a solar farm?

There are various types of solar farms, although nowadays the image that comes to mind is that of a photovoltaic plant, garden or farm. This is an installation that mainly uses photovoltaic panels to transform the sun’s energy into electricity. This is also the technology most commonly used in self-consumption installations in homes and/or small industries.

A photovoltaic garden is a space or plot of land containing an installation of photovoltaic solar panels with the aim of producing electrical energy in order to feed it into the distribution network for its commercialisation. 

In addition, this installation may be owned by one or more investors who can provide financing, land, roof rights, technical training, …… Although there are many companies on the market that specialise in the engineering required for this type of installation, engineering does not solve the legal issues, agreements between partners, financing or town planning issues, among many other matters that need to be developed. 

We help you to set up your photovoltaic farm project

We can advise you in the commercial, civil, urban planning and administrative areas in this type of solar energy projects. Both in installation operations, purchase and sale, financing and refinancing of photovoltaic solar energy production projects.

A comprehensive service that includes among others:

  1. Purchase and sale, transfer of remuneration rights, and changes of ownership of photovoltaic installations. 
  2. Drafting and presentation of appeals for the resolution of disputes in contentious-administrative proceedings.
  3. Contractual advice. 

Legal support for your solar garden project

You can count on us for:

  • Administrative processing of changes of ownership of the Administrative Register of Electricity Generating Installations (RAIPRE).
  • Due Diligence Process.
  • Drafting and negotiation of sale and purchase contracts for companies owning energy production facilities.
  • Preparation of contracts for:
    • Energy sales contract between ESCO (Energy Service Company) and property owner.
    • Purchase and sale of photovoltaic assets.
    • Photovoltaic plant maintenance contract.
    • Contract for the supply or distribution of photovoltaic and/or thermal material.
    • DEVA or PDA type development. 
    • Turnkey contract for sale to the photovoltaic grid.
    • Construction of energy production facilities (EPC).
    • Financing and/or guarantee contracts.
    • Lease of roof/land or transfer of surface rights to roof or land.
  • Fiscal and tax advice throughout the project.
  • Legal advice and defence in compulsory expropriation proceedings for the deployment of distribution and transmission networks.
  • Registration of rights in the Land Register.
  • Reports and notes on regulatory, urban planning, environmental and administrative aspects in general, affecting electricity companies.
  • Allegations, appeals for reconsideration and contentious-administrative proceedings:
    • Claim of the photovoltaic guarantee presented in the PREFO.
    • Unfair tax assessments, e.g. electricity tax, form 583.
    • Permanence in the RAIPRE, etc.
    • Challenges to municipal ordinances whose content affects the development of electrical activity.

We are solar energy professionals.  With us you can count on expert support throughout the whole process whether you are a developer, producer or a collective. 


Photo by Anders Jacobsen on Unsplash 


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