Second chance law

The second chance law, the law that cancels your debts to start a new life is your answer. A mechanism for insolvent people who have no assets to pay their debts that allows them to obtain the cancellation of all debts from a judge.

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The law of the second chance, the law that cancels your debts to start a new life.

Have you lost everything but your debts?

The second chance law is your answer. A mechanism for insolvent people who have no assets to pay their debts that allows them to obtain the cancellation of all debts from a judge. You can watch the video summary prepared by our team at the following link.

How does it work?

If you meet the requirements, an official request is made through a lawyer and a negotiation process is initiated, which may culminate in a payment agreement or a full discharge of the debt.

How long does the process take?

Most commonly, the process between the petition and the final court decision takes between a year and a year and a half, depending on the court in which it is processed.

Which documentation do I need?

If you decide to arrange an interview or call this is a brief guide to the information we will need to assess your case:

  • Marital status and details of joint or individual debts.
  • Know if you have been or are registered in RETA (Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers).
  • Current census registration.
  • Details of assets owned and operations carried out in the last 2 years.
  • Convictions for previous crimes.
  • Previous bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Outline of current debts:
    • Do debts exceed 5 million euros?
    • Are there any public or privileged debts?
  • Current income.

Start afresh, no foreclosures, no anguish. Contact us to see if the 2nd chance law can be an alternative for you.

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