It establishes the automatic extension of the ERTEs that are in force as of today (limiting, preventive and ETOP due to Covid), with effect until 31st March 2022, together with the unemployment protection measures for the workers affected.
The extraordinary allowance for permanent discontinuous workers is also extended until the same date.
The exemptions from social security contributions for the month of March will be as follows:
- Limiting ERTE / cause of force majeure Covid in companies with 10 or more workers, without developing training actions for the workers affected: 20%.
- ERTE limiting / cause of force majeure Covid in companies with 10 or more workers, with development of training actions for the workers affected: 60%.
- ERTE limiting / cause of force majeure Covid in companies with less than 10 workers, without developing training actions: 30%.
- Limiting ERTE / cause of force majeure Covid in companies with less than 10 workers, with the development of training actions: 60%.
- Preventive ERTE: 90%.
As of 1st April, companies will only be able to take advantage of the ERTEs approved in the labour reform (regulated in articles 47 and following of the Workers’ Statute). Therefore, during the month of March they will have to transition to an ERTE for economic, technical, organisational or production reasons, or due to force majeure; but in accordance with the new legal regulation.
It also provides for the extension of protective measures for the self-employed.
- Self-employed workers who were registered and were receiving, on 28th February 2022, any of the benefits for cessation of activity provided for in articles 10 and 11 of Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of 28th September, will be entitled to an exemption from the obligation to pay Social Security and vocational training contributions for the following amounts:
- March: 90%
- April: 75%
- May: 50%
- June: 25%
These exemptions shall be incompatible with the receipt of the severance benefit in any of its forms.
- As of 1st March 2022, self-employed workers who are forced to suspend all their activities as a result of a decision adopted by the competent authority as a measure to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, or who maintain for the same reasons the suspension of their activity initiated prior to this date, will be entitled to a financial benefit for termination of activity of an extraordinary nature, of 70% of the regulatory base.
Also published in today’s BOE is Royal Decree 152/2022 of 22nd February, which sets the minimum interprofessional wage for 2022 at €1,000.- per month in fourteen payments, with effect from 1st January 2022.
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash