Insurance and pension plans
We work with the best insurance companies on the market to offer you the insurance that best suits your company’s needs.
Our comprehensive property management service has the backing of the Barcelona Association of Property Administrators.
We take care of the complete management of both horizontal communities of owners and vertical property owners.
By joining Bgestió you are not only hiring a new property administrator, but you are also getting an ally in any legal, fiscal or labour problem you may have in your professional and/or personal life.
We offer comprehensive real estate asset management in the following areas:
Full property management service and preparation of tax returns from €120 per quarter.
Basic service from €75 per quarter that includes:.
We support homeowners’ associations in the following aspects:
Of course! For example, as administrators we cannot share any neighbour data without permission.
We manage urban properties (communities of owners or neighbours) in the areas around Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat and Maresme.
Yes! You can speak to a member of the team either by phone, email or WhatsApp.
Of course. We will help you to release the property if you wish and in future cases we will help you to prevent situations of this type by contracting external services to guarantee the non-payment of rent.
Each case must be studied carefully, but the Community of Owners has a series of rights that it can defend, even in court.
We help you to make your assets profitable while minimising the tax burden. We assess your objectives and find the most effective way to achieve them.
We advise, solve and manage all types of tax, labour, commercial and legal problems for individuals, the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies.
We advise you without obligation
As a legal partner, we offer you a wide range of services to help you achieve your goals and solve problems in your business and in your life.
We work with the best insurance companies on the market to offer you the insurance that best suits your company’s needs.
Our team of lawyers, tax experts and accountants work together to minimise risks by optimising resources with rigorous control of the tax and legal obligations.
There are many situations in which the advice of a registered lawyer is key to regaining control and avoiding potential damage or conflict.
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