First qualification for Phase I – Covid19
The social networks yesterday took the first round of qualification of the regions as a joke, as if they were nominations for Big Brother or Eurovision. In other words, which health regions will move on to “Phase 1” this Monday and which remain in “Phase 0”.
Getting serious, this morning the Official State Gazette published two things (among many others) of note:
- Resolution of 6 May 2020, of the Congress of Deputies, ordering the publication of the Agreement authorising the extension of the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March.
- Royal Decree 514/2020 of 8 May extending the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.
- Order SND/399/2020 of 9 May for the relaxation of certain nationwide restrictions established following the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.
They look like three, but the first two are the same.
- On the one hand, the state of alarm is extended until the early hours of 24 May.
- On the other hand, it is made clear that the state of alarm should not pose any obstacle to the holding of the elections planned in some autonomous communities.
Order SND/399/2020 is the star of the day.
Firstly, who is affected (Article 2): the activities carried on in the territorial units described and those residing in them. With exceptions: “the provisions of Chapters VIII, IX, X and XI and Articles 41 and 42 shall not apply in respect of the territorial units referred to in paragraph 15 of the Annex“.
Also excluded are “(…) persons who are symptomatic or in home isolation due to a diagnosis of COVID-19, or who are in home quarantine because they have had close contact with a person with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19“.
In Catalonia, the health regions of Camp de Tarragona, Alt Pirineu and Aran, and Terres de l’Ebre are now in Phase I – Covid19. The rest of Catalonia remains in Phase 0.
In other words, the order only affects these regions. The rest of Catalonia remains under the same conditions as yesterday.
Although most of our customers will remain in Phase 0 at least for this week, the order defines what Phase 1 consists of, or at least what Phase I consists of today – Covid19.
If you are in one of the regions that have moved to Phase 1, please do not hesitate to ask us how the change affects you. We do not reproduce here the fifteen or so pages of regulations for the sake of brevity.
Image credits: link.