Watch out for the bank on the 1st of June!
Within the arbitrariness with which the government establishes the deadlines for the different measures it takes (each thing ends on a different date), there is one of special relevance this week that defines certain payments postponed to June 1st.
We were waiting to see if a new deadline was approved, but it was not (but we would not be surprised if something is approved on the 1st of June). Specifically:
The charges that the tax administrations (AEAT, ATC, …) have not made on the “normal” date will be made on the 1st of June.
We quote, verbatim, the AEAT:
What happens with the payment dates established in the agreements to grant deferral or instalments whose due date occurs between the 14th of March 2020 (date of entry into force of Royal Decree 463/2020, of the 14th of March, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19) and the 30th of May 2020?
The maturities, occurring between the date of entry into force of Royal Decree 463/2020 of the 14th of March and 30 May 2020, are moved to the 1st of June 2020 (inclusive) as the 30th and 31st of May 2020 are non-working days.
Of course:
- This does not affect all tax debts, but only the instalment or deferment periods that expired between the 14th March and 30th May.
- 1st June is a local holiday in many municipalities, so in some cases the charge could take place on the 2nd June.
Many banks are aware and informing their customers.
Remember that non-payment automatically results in the imposition of a penalty charge. Finally, a new Royal Decree-Law 19/2020 came out today. Many pages but none of it fixes the above, so we will make the relevant note at another time. The above is far more important.
Please contact us for more information about deferred payments as of 1 June.