Labour Inspectorate reviews ERTE COVID19

A large number of companies, after having requested a COVID19 ERTE to deal with the pandemic, have received a visit or notification from the Labour Inspectorate.

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Labour inspectorate keeps busy during pandemic

The press publishes today an interesting article. There are many companies that, after having requested an ERTE COVID19, have received a visit or notification from the Labour Inspectorate. About 11% of them; of which 8% have received a sanctioning file. Of course, we defend that it is lawful to verify that nobody is taking advantage of benefits that do not belong to them. However, an inspection often entails an extra worry for the employer, with added costs if he/she needs an advisor or a labour graduate. All this at a time when, as popular wisdom has it, “it’s not an easy time”. The companies that are surviving this unparalleled crisis need the support of the administration, not surprise visits or requirements from the tax authorities, which, as we have seen, have not even batted an eyelid at COVID19. Attached is a short SUMMARY of the basic principles to keep in mind when someone comes to our office or premises, the recommended action varies depending on which administrative body the visit represents and whether or not there is a court order. It is important to stress that the labour inspector can enter the workplace without prior notice and at any time. This right of entry includes all offices, offices, kitchens, storerooms, etc., not only the public areas. We recommend that you do not obstruct this in any way. Only in cases where the workplace coincides with the home, a judicial authorisation may be required. The inspectorate can demand the submission of any information related to the activity and can question any person present, whether they are employees, employers or customers. If your company is affected by an ERTE COVID19 our recommendation is that you have documentation available to verify that the conditions of the ERTE are being complied with.

Remember that you can contact us before any doubt. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU KEEP this document in your preferred language and have it available for consultation at any time.



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