How to obtain the REA Register of Accredited Companies?

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obtain the REA Register of Accredited Companies

Since 26 August 2008, companies wishing to be contracted or subcontracted on a construction site must be included in the REA (Register of Accredited Companies). In this article we inform you about how to obtain the REA Register of Accredited Companies.

The purpose of this register is to certify that companies operating in the construction sector meet the requirements in terms of occupational risk prevention.

Registration must be done where the company’s registered office is located, but is valid throughout the country for the duration of the registration period (3 years). Renewal can be requested within 6 months prior to the expiry date. Both for renewal and to obtain the REA accredited company register, the company’s digital certificate is required.

Accreditations offered by the REA

That the company has the appropriate infrastructure and means to carry out the activity and directly manage the work, assuming the risks, obligations and responsibilities inherent to the business activity.

That the personnel have the necessary training in occupational risk prevention. That is to say, courses lasting at least 10 hours on the prevention of occupational risks given by any entity accredited by the labour authority.

These courses must cover the following contents:

  1. Occupational risks and prevention and protection measures in the Construction Sector.
  2. Basic legislation and regulations on prevention.
  3. Organisation of prevention and integration in company management.
  4. Obligations and responsibilities.
  5. Costs of accidents and profitability of prevention.

That the company has a preventive organisation appropriate to the law and its activity.

Who is obliged to register on the Register?

All companies and self-employed workers with employees who are going to be contracted or subcontracted for the execution of work carried out on construction sites. Regardless of the CNAE in which they are registered.

Once I have obtained the REA Register of Accredited Companies, what do I do?

  1. You must communicate if there is a change in the company’s identification data within the month following the occurrence of such change.
  2. Remember to renew the registration every three years.
  3. It is necessary to request the cancellation of the registration in the Register of Accredited Companies (REA) when:
    1. You cease the activity that determines your inclusion in the register.
    2. You cease to meet the legal requirements for registration.
    3. Ex officio when the competent labour authority becomes aware that the company is in one of the situations that give rise to this.

Can I obtain the REA as a company outside of Spain but in the EU?

In order to register in the REA, it is essential to have a digital certificate valid in Spain that can only be issued with a Spanish tax identification number. This is why if your company is located in other intra-EU countries, you must obtain a non-resident NIF or establish a subsidiary in Spain.

Our team can help you with the process of registering and maintaining the REA. Contact us for more information.


Photo by Antonella Vilardo on Unsplash

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