Extension of 5 Social Protection measures

The Government extends 5 social protection measures until October 31. Through Royal Decree-Law 16/2021 of August 3, the Government has agreed to extend social protection measures until October 31. Measures that were already approved for the first time on March 31, 2020 (RDL 8/2021) and that have been subject to successive extensions.

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Through Royal Decree-Law 16/2021 of August 3, the Government has agreed to extend social protection measures until October 31. Measures that were already approved for the first time on March 31, 2020 (RDL 8/2021) and that have been subject to successive extensions.


Specifically, it is related to:

  1. The supply of electricity, natural gas and water to those consumers who meet the condition of vulnerable consumers may not be suspended to those severely vulnerable or at risk of social exclusion defined in arts. 3 and 4 Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for domestic consumers of electricity.

2. The right to receive the social bonus by certain groups in a situation of economic vulnerability is expanded.

3. The suspension of eviction procedures and housing releases in vulnerable situations is extended.

In all verbal lawsuits that deal with claims for rent or amounts owed by the lessee, or the expiration of the term of duration of contracts signed in accordance with Law 29/1994, of November 24, on Urban Leases, which seek to recover possession of the estate, whether or not the process has been previously suspended in the terms established in article. 441.5 of said normative body, the tenant may file an incident of extraordinary suspension of the eviction or launch before the Court for being in a situation of economic vulnerability that makes it impossible for them to find a housing alternative for themselves and for the people with whom they live with.

In the same way, the suspension of the eviction procedure and releases for economically vulnerable people without a housing alternative is extended in the cases of sections 2, 4 and 7 of art. 250.1 of Law 1/2000, of January 7, of Civil Procedure, and in those others in which the eviction brings cause of a criminal procedure.

These three sections refer to the following demands:

    • Those that seek the recovery of full possession of a rustic or urban property, ceded in precarious terms, by the owner, usufructuary or any other person with the right to own said property;
    • Those that seek the summary protection of the possession or possession of a thing or right by whoever has been stripped of them or disturbed in their enjoyment;
    • Those that, urged by the holders of real rights registered in the Property Registry, demand the effectiveness of those rights against those who oppose them or disturb their exercise, without having a registered title that legitimizes the opposition or disturbance.


 4. The right of tenants to request an extraordinary extension in the lease contracts of habitual residence formalized under the LAU is extended.

The landlord must accept it unless he has communicated in the terms and conditions established in art. 9.3 of the LAU, the need to occupy the rented home to assign it to permanent housing for themselves or their relatives in the first degree of consanguinity or by adoption or for their spouse in the event of a final judgment of separation, divorce, or marriage annulment.

5. The consideration of protection and assistance services for victims of gender violence is extended until 31 October.

If you have any questions about this or another measure, do not hesitate to contact us through our phone number, email, or by filling in the form on the contact page.

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