A Google search for digital certificate in Spain yields over 9 million results, yet it still raises many questions for businesses and freelancers. In this brief article, we summarize the available alternatives for carrying out online procedures such as filing taxes and, most importantly, staying up to date with potential notifications from the public administration. We also explain what is currently the best solution from our point of view.
What is the digital certificate?
In summary, it is a digital file that contains our identifying data, authenticated by an official body. The digital certificate validates our identity on the Internet as a natural person (or representative of a legal entity) and is mandatory to be able to consult and carry out procedures with the Public Administration.
There are four main groups of situations for which we need a digital certificate:
- Presentation and liquidation of taxes.
- Negotiations with different entities of the public administration. For example:
- Resources and applications.
- To consult and register in the municipal registry.
- Consult and appeal traffic fines.
- Apply for grants.
- Electronic monitoring of notifications that we may receive from government agencies.
- Signing of documents and contracts. For example, opening bank accounts without having to travel.
In general, what types of digital certificates exist?
- Digital certificate issued online by a DEH-accredited entity that includes electronic includes electronic surveillance. Your identity is verified digitally, i.e. you do not need to travel anywhere. This is the option we recommend, to find out why, read on.
- The electronic DNI: it is interesting for everyone to have it activated to be able to use it in procedures and sign documents, but it is not valid for all transactions. It is to be expected that the number of transactions that can be carried out with the electronic DNI will increase, but it is not practical for working with a third party such as a consultancy. If, like me, you still have an old DNI you can renew it and make sure you keep the PIN in a place where you can find it.
- The digital certificate of the FNMT-RCM Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda: there are different types of certificates depending on whether it is an individual, a legal entity or a representative, and all have a specific duration. The application for this certificate is online (through the website of the Fábrica Nacional de la Moneda y el Timbre, which is not a marvel in terms of usability) but requires that you travel to verify your identity in person or that you have the DINe and a reader.
- CL@VE PIN: Cl@ve PIN is a system aimed at individuals that allows them to identify themselves and carry out their procedures in Spain with the Tax Agency and other Public Administrations online (not all of them!). The PIN obtained is valid for a single work session at the AEAT e-Office in which several procedures can be carried out until the session is closed. This option makes it unfeasible to work with third parties as a consultancy.
Is it mandatory to have a digital certificate?
Yes, the regulations are clear and establish that the following entities are required to interact electronically with Public Administrations for any administrative procedure:
- Legal entities.
- Entities without legal personality.
- Those who exercise a professional activity for which membership in a professional association is required, for the procedures and actions they carry out with the Public Administrations in the exercise of said professional activity. In any case, this group shall include notaries and property and commercial registrars.
- Those who represent an interested party who is obliged to interact electronically with the Administration.
- Employees of Public Administrations for the procedures and actions they carry out with them by reason of their status as employees.
That is, any self-employed person with economic activity, a company, or a foundation, for example, needs to have a digital certificate to interact with the administration.
What is this electronic surveillance?
Official organizations do not send their notifications by email, so you won’t receive them in your Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook… No!
If you have it properly configured with each of them, you will be notified that you have something to download (if it is not properly configured, you will not receive any notification).
That notice does not contain the actual communication; you have to regularly check their mailboxes yourself in case you receive something or when you get that notification. It is also your responsibility to download the notifications on time, before they expire and of course to respond to them.
What happens if I do not download a notification?
If you don’t download them, the public administration considers you to have been notified within the deadline, regardless of whether you have downloaded and read the message. But remember that there are deadlines to respond to each matter, and if you take too long to see the notification, you might no longer be able to appeal or make allegations.
The electronic surveillance service allows you to forget about this headache by delegating ALL YOUR HOUSEHOLDS to a trusted advisor. This is a service we offer to all our advisory clients. If you want to know how it works, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Is electronic monitoring the same as the Single Enabled Electronic Address (DEHú)?
No. As in other areas, the public administration has taken steps towards digitalization without organizations coordinating with each other. There are different DEH platforms, but they do not group all the entities that can send you notifications. For example, notifications from the Catalan Tax Agency are currently integrated into the single Enabled Electronic Address.
That is why, at Blegal as business advisors, we use the most complete solution on the market, DEHonline’s Certibox service.
Who can send me electronic notifications?
Any public entity.
From the Treasury because of an income tax requirement, to the Treasury because the receipt of the self-employed fee has been returned or for example the City Council of the town in which you own a house where the garbage tax is pending payment.
And more and more city councils, courts and local entities are joining in.
How can I avoid problems and have my electronic notifications under control?
Very easy. With us as your company advisor you can contract the DEH online service and delegate the notifications to us.
Every day we will check the mailboxes of the nearly 10,000 public entities and organizations that are members and if there are any notifications for you we will download and dispatch them.
Do not hesitate, your peace of mind is at your fingertips.