The success tool for your business

Cryptocurrency management

We advise you without obligation

Taxation of trading, mining and stacking operations

Whether as a one-off or as an economic activity, operations with virtual currency are in the sights of the Tax Agency. We optimize your tax bill and make sure that you comply with all obligations in cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency mining, stacking, NFTs, airdrops, earndrops or rewards.

Somos los asesores empresariales que está buscando. Nuestro equipo está formado por profesionales fiscalistas, graduados sociales y abogados. Un grupo altamente coordinado que es capaz de trasladar las particularidades de cada cliente y mercado al resto del equipo y, de esta forma, asegurar la mejor atención posible.

We offer you a service adapted to your needs, with the advantages of working within the framework of a wider group with a comprehensive service offer. More than 2,000 companies and businesses already trust us.

A video call with a tax advisor so you can ask the questions you want and solve your doubts instantly. We offer a global vision of your tax burden, we do not only take into account crypto operations but all your personal casuistry.

Make your tax return with us and sleep peacefully knowing that you are up to date with your tax obligations.

Cubrimos las obligaciones fiscales y tributarias de personas físicas y jurídicas con soluciones flexibles. Además, gestionamos la contabilidad de acuerdo con la normativa vigente de forma eficiente, incluyendo:

  • Análisis y consolidación de estados financieros.
  • Diseño o reconstrucción de cuentas.
  • Planificación financiera.
  • Regularización de balances.

To keep your tax obligations up to date it is essential to use a platform that fits your profile, we work mainly with Atani and Koinly.

Estas nos permitirán descargar los datos necesarios para realizar los impuestos y generar los libros auxiliares que Hacienda pide que cada contribuyente tenga de todos los ejercicios no prescritos. 

Podemos asesorarte sobre cual es la más adecuada para tu perfil o puedes seleccionar y darte de alta desde los siguientes enlaces:

KOINLY: permite aglutinar prácticamente todos los wallets y tipos de operaciones. Tiene un coste distinto según la modalidad que prefieras. 

ATANI: solo registra los movimientos en spot, si por ejemplo realizas  operaciones en futuros o necesitas conectar otros wallets para contabilizar las transacciones de NFTs en su versión actual no servira para tu caso

Si ya estás usando otra plataforma de este tipo, contacta con nosotros para ver cómo podemos trabajar juntos. 

We solve all your doubts about cryptocurrency and blockchain operations.

Cryptocurrency tax consultation

  • By video call
  • Once the payment has been made, we will call you within 48 hours to arrange the video call.


Desde 250€
  • With blockchain operations
  • Once the payment has been made within 48 hours we will send you the details of the data and documentation we need and a proposal for an appointment for a video call.


  • Quarterly and annual taxes: 131, 303, 390, 347, 111, 190 (professional)
  • Registration with the AEAT and TGSS
  • Discharges, variation of data and accident reports.

Questions and Answers

Leave it in the hands of professionals

This is a complex point but the activity in this way is intermittent, generates small profits and is assimilated to people who invest in the stock market in parallel to their main job. The AEAT has never required anyone to register as a trader for investing in 4 stocks in their spare time so this situation is assimilated.

It is critical to reassess the situation. What starts as a one-time activity that does not generate anything may end up being the activity with which you pay the mortgage and your only source of income on a regular basis, a very different situation for which you will have to register with the obligations that entails.

Characteristics such as whether the work is cyclical, predictable, its duration for example can tip the balance towards the side of the independent freelancer, the discontinuous fixed or even the periodical fixed. We evaluate each case to offer you the best solution for your business.

Yes, absolutely. For a reduced cost (varies depending on the platform and plan you select) you know that the transactions you make will be controlled, listed and not only can we do your taxes correctly but you can have the detailed auxiliary lists that the IRS asks you to keep for 5 years.

Cryptocurrency mining is an economic activity by definition. You are organizing material and immaterial goods to regularly generate wealth. If you are going to start this activity you must regularize by registering in the correct epigraph and contributing as self-employed. The advantage is also that expenses such as energy, which will be high, become deductible expenses.

Our talent at your disposal

We fight for what you deserve

Marc Fargas Esteve


Marta Calatayud Drets

Responsible Consulting Area. Lawyer.

Araceli Beltran Garcia

Consulting Area. Lawyer

Our credentials

Your experiences

Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Their lawyers have helped us with specific legal problems and we won both cases. Very satisfied with the treatment received.
Angus Real Estate Management
Angus Real Estate Management
As owners of real estate properties living abroad we struggle to understand Spanish taxes and laws. Blegal and Bgestio take care of the day to day with a strategic view in mind. With them, we know we can forget about everything and just enjoy the extra income of our rentals in Spain.
Impuls Barcelona
Impuls Barcelona
Bgestio gives us a comprehensive service that covers our day to day tax and accounting and takes care of our employees. In addition, the Blegal team was very helpful in preparing the contracts we needed to start our activity as a business center and coworking. They are very easy to work with.
El Banquet de Premià
El Banquet de Premià
Great professionals and a super friendly treatment. Each person who has dealt with us in labor, tax, legal or recently with the insurance issue has solved the problem quickly without hesitation.
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
We have been working with the Blegal and Bgestió team for more than a year and I can only say: we are very fortunate to find a team like them! Their willingness, professionalism, humanity and, above all, their ability to stay ahead of events have earned my full confidence! Really now our company is with the greatest possible peace of mind in ALL aspects.

We are the law firm and consultancy you need

We advise, solve and manage all types of tax, labour, commercial and legal problems for individuals, the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies.

We advise you without obligation.

Somos Partners oficiales

partners oficial de quipu
partners oficial de holded

Other services that might interest you

What else can we help you with?

As a legal partner, we offer you a wide range of services to help you achieve your goals and solve problems in your business and in your life.

Fiscal and taxation

Our team of lawyers, tax experts and accountants work together to minimise risks by optimising resources with rigorous control of the tax and legal obligations.

See more >>

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