We are the solution you need

Civil and Procedural Law

We advise you without obligation

Regain control!

The saturation of the spanish judicial system makes legal advice and a clear strategy essential for success

There are many situations in civil and procedural law where the advice of a registered lawyer is key.

In areas which, by their nature, affect key areas of your life or business, our firm is your solution.


Estudiamos la realidad de cada familia de manera cercana, para que cualquier situación o conflicto (divorcios, negociaciones de pensiones por alimentos, tutela, custodia…) se resuelva de la mejor manera.​

Our tax and commercial knowledge allows us to carry out comprehensive succession planning for both private individuals and families linked to the operation of a family run business. We also carry out family agreements and protocols, execution or fulfilment of last wills and testaments.

We manage the entire process globally, without surprises and with the respect it deserves.

In the event of unresolvable conflicts, we provide comprehensive legal support, whether it be in order to reach an out-of-court settlement or in the process of probate litigation, such as the contesting of a will.

Afrontamos las situaciones de crisis empresarial con una visión integral de 360º, siempre buscando la mejor estrategia desde un punto de vista global.

Diseñamos soluciones globales contemplando:

En situaciones de insolvencia puedes contar con nuestro equipo de especialistas en derecho concursal, procesal, mercantil, laboral, fiscal, administrativo y penal económico tanto en fases de preconcurso y negociación como en la tramitación del expediente concursal hasta su conclusión.

Trabajamos para salvaguardar tu patrimonio y la responsabilidad del órgano de administración y los apoderados en la pieza de calificación.

Si llegas a una situación de esta índole como acreedor, podemos ayudarte en la negociación, representando tus intereses en la junta de acreedores, gestionando el reconocimiento judicial de créditos y la ejecución de garantías o acciones de reintegración.

Tenemos amplia experiencia en procedimientos judiciales relacionados con el área inmobiliaria y de urbanismo.

Trabajamos en la resolución e incumplimiento contractual de todo tipo de contratos de inmuebles (tanto para empresas como particulares), a la negociación de operaciones inmobiliarias complejas como las que afectan al área mercantil.

Desde la administración de fincas de Bgestió ofrecemos también el apoyo a las comunidades y a los propietarios que gestionamos en asuntos legales que pueden derivar de los trabajos diarios como:

Te ayudamos en asuntos relacionados con la Responsabilidad Civil de un contrato que hayas suscrito o situaciones en que seas  el afectado que reclama cobertura por la misma. Asimismo, podemos asesorarte en reclamaciones:

Desde el área laboral y concursal nos ocupamos también de la responsabilidad civil extra contractual en situaciones como: 

Both on a personal and professional level, unpaid debts are a reality that causes us to lose resources. In cases where turnover is concentrated in a single client it can even sink the business.

We manage the collection of debts or non-payment of debts from start to finish, both extrajudicially (with a national or European payment order process) and by enforcing final judgements.

If you are the debtor, we can help develop a clear strategy to meet the obligations in such a way that the debt can be absorbed. In cases where there is no other option, we are experts in insolvency proceedings and the second chance law.

Our talent at your disposal

We fight for what you deserve

Marc Fargas Esteve


Marta Calatayud Drets

Responsible Consulting Area. Lawyer.

Araceli Beltran Garcia

Consulting Area. Lawyer.

Questions and Answers

We answer any questions you may have

We carry out a specific study of each party’s requests as well as the background. In addition, we collaborate as far as possible with the opposing party.

Divorce is a very personal and emotional process, so we give all the respect that it deserves.

Yes, as long as the classification of the insolvency procedure is not at fault. Our recommendation is to have the services of a specialised accopuntant or manager to prevent situations in which you as an administrator may be liable for malpractice or negligence.

Justice, unfortunately, is not swift. We always keep a close eye on all proceedings, however lengthy they may be, to keep you up to date with the situation.

This law makes it possible for individuals, with the help of a lawyer and with the approval of a judge, to start again without debts or encumbrances.

We analyse your case individually to see if there is a basis for a legal claim and to be able to fight for your rights.

We assess your individual case. Contact our team of experts.

Our credentials

Your experiences

Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Their lawyers have helped us with specific legal problems and we won both cases. Very satisfied with the treatment received.
Angus Real Estate Management
Angus Real Estate Management
As owners of real estate properties living abroad we struggle to understand Spanish taxes and laws. Blegal and Bgestio take care of the day to day with a strategic view in mind. With them, we know we can forget about everything and just enjoy the extra income of our rentals in Spain.
Impuls Barcelona
Impuls Barcelona
Bgestio gives us a comprehensive service that covers our day to day tax and accounting and takes care of our employees. In addition, the Blegal team was very helpful in preparing the contracts we needed to start our activity as a business center and coworking. They are very easy to work with.
El Banquet de Premià
El Banquet de Premià
Great professionals and a super friendly treatment. Each person who has dealt with us in labor, tax, legal or recently with the insurance issue has solved the problem quickly without hesitation.
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
We have been working with the Blegal and Bgestió team for more than a year and I can only say: we are very fortunate to find a team like them! Their willingness, professionalism, humanity and, above all, their ability to stay ahead of events have earned my full confidence! Really now our company is with the greatest possible peace of mind in ALL aspects.

Do you have an urgent question?

We advise, solve and manage all types of tax, labor, commercial and legal procedures for individuals, self-employed, small and medium-sized companies.

Other services that might interest you

What else can we help you with?

As a legal partner, we offer you a wide range of services to help you achieve your goals and solve problems in your business and in your life.

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