Creative solutions to your legal problems

Your law firm

We advise you without obligation

We work for SMEs, asset management companies and family offices, start-ups, freelancers and individuals.

Throughout your personal or professional life, legal problems of all kinds can arise in any situation.

Incluso cuando nuestra vida parece tranquila y no hay nubes en el horizonte es la administración pública en forma de Hacienda o Tesorería la que puede ponernos en una situación complicada en la que necesitamos ayuda profesional.

Tanto para empezar nuevos proyectos como para minimizar el daño que puede sufrir nuestro patrimonio, contar con un abogado de nuestro lado es la mejor garantía de tranquilidad. Un profesional de confianza a quien acudir cuando tenemos dudas.

We advise you without obligation

Legal areas

Our team of registered lawyers answers to your needs with the extra protection of being members of the Barcelona Bar Association. A multidisciplinary team in continuous training that covers the areas of law that your business and personal life need.

We are specialists in finding creative solutions to legal problems for small and medium-sized companies. Integrated with the rest of our business group, we work with Bgestió to offer, when necessary, a tailor-made legal services that goes beyond legal advice.

We are official partners

Gestoría online y presencial
Gestoría online y presencial
Gestoría online y presencial

With us you have a partner for life.

We advise you without obligation

Our credentials

Your experiences

Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Royal Horse Club Llavaneras
Their lawyers have helped us with specific legal problems and we won both cases. Very satisfied with the treatment received.
Angus Real Estate Management
Angus Real Estate Management
As owners of real estate properties living abroad we struggle to understand Spanish taxes and laws. Blegal and Bgestio take care of the day to day with a strategic view in mind. With them, we know we can forget about everything and just enjoy the extra income of our rentals in Spain.
Impuls Barcelona
Impuls Barcelona
Bgestio gives us a comprehensive service that covers our day to day tax and accounting and takes care of our employees. In addition, the Blegal team was very helpful in preparing the contracts we needed to start our activity as a business center and coworking. They are very easy to work with.
El Banquet de Premià
El Banquet de Premià
Great professionals and a super friendly treatment. Each person who has dealt with us in labor, tax, legal or recently with the insurance issue has solved the problem quickly without hesitation.
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
Centro Médido Estético y Quirúrgico PILO
We have been working with the Blegal and Bgestió team for more than a year and I can only say: we are very fortunate to find a team like them! Their willingness, professionalism, humanity and, above all, their ability to stay ahead of events have earned my full confidence! Really now our company is with the greatest possible peace of mind in ALL aspects.

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