Life annuity is a financial product that ensures the collection of a periodic amount throughout the life of a person until death. It is an insurance that makes a redemption of the contributed capital and converts it into annuities. We will see the relationship between the surrender of the annuity and death.
The contribution can be made with a single initial cash premium, or periodically. The insurer pays the contributor a certain amount on a regular basis until death. But what happens when the contributor dies? In this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the life annuity, and what happens with the surrender of the capital when there is a death.
What is annuity?
As mentioned above, the life annuity is a financial product that belongs to the insurance sector. It works as a savings policy for all those who seek to supplement their public pension, since it allows planning savings to be received later in an increased form as income. The life annuity policyholder receives it from an age that is agreed with the insurer, and generally on a monthly basis.
What happens to the redemption of capital when there is a death?
The life annuity is intended to cover the drop in income that occurs after retirement, a time when expenses change, health and leisure expenses increase, and cash income is often reduced. At the same time, it also provides the possibility of inheritance planning.
The life annuity insurance can be contracted in two ways: by two policyholders or by a single policyholder. In the first case, if one of the policyholders dies, the other will receive the annuity amount until the time of his own death. If the policyholder is the sole holder, he/she designates beneficiaries in the annuity contract, who will inherit the annuity at the time of the policyholder’s death. If the beneficiaries have not been formally established, a designation in order of priority is established in favor of the spouse not legally separated, children, and parents.
In the absence of all the above, the legal beneficiaries are the legal or testamentary heirs. The policyholder may also establish the form in which the beneficiaries receive the capital, either as a single payment or in the form of a periodic annuity, in the same way as the policyholder received it.
It is worth mentioning that the life annuity is different from the perpetual annuity. Perpetual annuity is collected beyond the death of the beneficiary, and is carried forward for generations. In contrast, the life annuity is exhausted upon the death of the beneficiary. Although it is not part of the estate, there are special clauses that integrate the annuity into the estate that is passed on to the heirs.
Types of annuities
There are two different types of annuities, which depend on when the annuity starts to be collected, i.e., whether the collection is immediate or deferred.
- Immediate income
The immediacy of this annuity lies in the fact that it will begin to be received the month after the capital corresponding to the premium has been contributed. This type of annuity is beneficial for people over 60 years of age, who contribute around 45,000 euros. The older the person is, the more profitable it will be, since the annuity was created precisely for retired or soon to be retired people.
- Deferred annuity
In the deferred annuity, the beneficiary begins to receive the annuity at a future date established in the contract. In other words, he/she will be able to receive much more money for his/her contributions in the future.
The 3 types of annuities
There are different types of annuity surrender, depending on the possibilities of capital surrender. A distinction is made between: surrendered capital, retained capital and mixed mode.
Modality of assigned capital
This mode excludes any possibility of recovering the initial premium invested, making it the highest risk mode: it is not possible to redeem the invested capital, even in the event of the holder’s death. Premiums in this mode are the highest.
Retained capital mode
In this type of plan, also known as constant annuity plan, the contract can be cancelled and the capital can be surrendered at any time. In the event of the policyholder’s death, the beneficiaries receive the premium contributed by the policyholder. What must be taken into account is that if the policyholder decides to redeem the capital before death, he/she will receive an income lower than the market value.
Mixed mode
In the case of the mixed mode, the capital can be redeemed at market value at any time, as in the case of the retained capital mode, but if the owner dies, the beneficiaries will receive a percentage of the contribution, which will decrease over time. This mode is the most common when the initial contribution is high. Otherwise, it is the least recommended.
Now that we have seen the types of annuities and the different modalities, we will tell you why annuities are convenient.
Why is an annuity suitable?
Among the advantages of annuities, we can mention one that is fundamental and that is security. We all know that it can be distressing to think about whether our savings will run out when we are older. A life annuity guarantees us that until our death we will have a premium that will allow us to have peace of mind.
Life annuities are also taxed in a way that is beneficial, since they are taxed less than earned income. This is so because the capital redemption of the annuity is taxed as savings income and income from movable capital in the IRPF, which implies the payment of a lower amount of taxes. In addition, only a percentage of the income received is paid.
Finally, as we mentioned at the beginning, the main objective of the annuity is to allow policyholders to cover the drop in their income when they retire, to cover their health or travel expenses, as well as to provide them with the possibility of planning their inheritance.
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