By resolution of the 27th of September 2021, published on the 1st of October, a new period is opened to apply for the subsidies that were approved by resolution of the 5th of May 2021, of the “Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda de Catalunya”, which approves the regulatory bases for the granting of aid for trade, services and fashion.
Applications may be submitted from 9:00 a.m. on the 5th October 2021 until the budgets earmarked for this programme are exhausted, with a maximum limit of the 31st of December 2021.
According to the first annex of that resolution, beneficiaries are self-employed professionals registered in the RETA, individual, associated or grouped companies registered in the IAE census and local administrations and their attached or linked public bodies, as well as territorial entities, guilds and non-profit sectoral entities and associations of sedentary and non-sedentary municipal markets, which meet the general requirements established in this first annex, and the specific requirements regulated for each of the programmes set out in the second annex.
Amount of aid for commerce, services and fashion
The amount will be the minimum eligible expenditure, carried out and justified for the activity that is the object of the aid required in order to consider the object and purpose of the aid established in each programme to have been fulfilled.
To determine the amount, the criteria of project cost, other subsidies received, score obtained by the assessment criteria and budget availability will be taken into account.
The subsidised expenses are those foreseen in each of the programmes and are attributed to the development of the actions in order to respond to their nature, are necessary and have been carried out during the period of execution of the action, and have been paid by the beneficiary before the end of the deadline for the presentation of the financial application.
Application process for aid for commerce, services and fashion
Rules 6 and following regulate the application procedure and the documentation that must accompany it; the assessment criteria; the award procedure; the resolution and its notification; publicity, payment and review; control and revocation, as well as the system of compatibility with other subsidies.
Annex two details the different programmes that these grants provide for beneficiaries, as well as their objectives, according to each type of activity, requirements, amount and assessment criteria. These programmes are:
Aid for organisations representing the commerce sector.
Aimed at entities of the commerce sector, the type of subsidised actions are:
- Actions derived from the coordination and tutoring of the implementation of the “Plans d’actuacions per a les associacions de comerç 2021”.
- Actions of active participation in the implementation of the “Pla de xoc Post Covid-19”.
- Commercial dynamisation projects at an associative level
- Digital transformation projects
- Knowledge improvement projects
- Organisation of activities and training to enhance and develop talent.
- Promotion of the internalisation of associated companies
- Innovation actions
- Talent search actions.
Aid to the associative network of trade, crafts and fashion.
Aimed at entities in the non-profit trade sector, subsidised actions include any action to support associated companies to achieve a recovery or increase in sales volume, to reinforce the financial solvency of companies, as well as actions at the associative level to promote the stimulation of demand, recovery of the number of associates, and also those actions aimed at promoting the creation of effective and agile online sales systems and their logistics.
Help in the process of digital transformation of companies.
Aimed at self-employed professionals registered in the RETA, trade companies, service companies and market stalls, the subsidised actions are those related to the creation of personalised websites with computer systems; promotional actions and communication and digital marketing campaigns; creation of online shops with collection in physical establishments; digitalisation of points of sale; contracting or carrying out digital strategy projects and digital consultancy projects; and studies for specialised advice.
Aid for the opening of shops and aid for the refurbishment and improvement of establishments.
Aimed at self-employed professionals registered with the RETA, companies owning retail and service establishments located at street level and market stalls, the type of actions subsidised in this case are:
- The recovery of empty premises, expenses arising from the purchase, rental or administrative concession of premises and the extension of premises.
- Refurbishment of establishments: expenses derived from the refurbishment or improvement of commercial establishments and services and stalls in sedentary municipal markets (accrediting ownership for at least 10 years) and non-sedentary markets (accrediting ownership for at least 5 years) Machinery and furniture are not considered expenses.
Support for commercial activation projects in municipalities with a high dependence on tourism.
Aimed at business associations, town councils and public bodies, subsidies are granted for external expenses for the design and implementation of programmes for the activation of the territory based on tourist demand and an increase in visitors from other territories. Aid varies according to the number of inhabitants of the municipality.
Aid to municipalities in the field of trade.
Aimed at Town Councils and public bodies, they have two areas
- Definition of the project to assist municipalities in the recovery of empty premises.
- Implementation of the project to assist municipalities in the recovery of empty commercial premises.
Aid for the creation and definition of Urban Economic Promotion Areas.
Aimed at town councils and public bodies, they subsidise external expenses for the creation and definition of the “Àrees de Promoció Econòmiques Urbanes” (Urban Economic Promotion Areas).
Aid for the reactivation and transformation of Catalan fashion.
Aimed at self-employed professionals registered in the RETA and fashion design companies and textile companies dedicated exclusively to the manufacture of products in the fashion sector and that have started actions during 2021 to grow and address immediate future challenges, subsidizes actions of:
- Contracting professional services for assistance and advice in the development of digital transformation projects.
- Investment in the acquisition of equipment and machinery and other technology costs related to digital transformation
- Procurement of professional services for the implementation of sustainability-related resources
- Hiring of professional services related to internalisation
- Attendance at international fashion fairs
- Any other action carried out by the company during the period of economic recovery due to the effects of COVID 19 that may lead to an increase in business
The third annex closes with a set of ethical principles and rules of conduct.
If you want us to help you process your aid, don’t hesitate, we are here to support you.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash