A new line of aid has been published for improvement works in buildings that can benefit communities of neighbours and owners.
We summarise the main features of the same, if you think you can apply for them, do not hesitate, our team of property management and property can help you.
Purpose of the financing: financing is provided for works that improve energy efficiency and sustainability, as well as safety in use, accessibility and the state of conservation of residential buildings as a community of owners.
Aid is granted for community and homeowner works for three reasons:
- Rehabilitation works included to the ITE that entail:
- The conservation of the foundations, the horizontal and vertical structure.
- The conservation of roofs, rooftops, facades, patios and party walls that involve a modification of the original closure of the element with actions to improve thermal and/or acoustic insulation.
- Works to improve energy efficiency and sustainability.
- Works to improve safety of use and accessibility.
The beneficiaries are solvent communities of owners, with a delinquency rate equal to or less than 5%.
Requirements for aid for community and owner-occupied buildings:
- At least 50% of the built surface area must be used for housing at the time of applying for the aid.
- Have the report of the technical inspection of the building (IITE) dated and the energy efficiency certificate (CEE) with the energy rating hashtag (EE),
- That, previously, the building has structural safety or achieves it through the rehabilitation process.
Deadlines for the start of the works and extensions
In the case of works that have not yet started, they must be started after the date of publication of the corresponding call for proposals. Work that has not been started at the date of application must be started within a maximum of eight months from the day following the date of notification of the loan grant.
In the case of work that has already begun, the loan can be applied for only for the part of the work still to be carried out. In this case, the works must not have been completed before the date of publication of the corresponding call for applications.
Amount of aid for community and homeowner works:
- Interest rate of the loans: 2% fixed.
- The amount of each operation must be, for all purposes, a minimum of 30,000 euros per community of owners and a maximum of 20,000 euros per dwelling in the community.
The AHC’s Directorate of Building Quality and Housing Rehabilitation will have to expressly authorise any requirement that exceeds the limits set by law.
If you are a property owner or co-owner in a community of neighbours, a registered property manager can make managing your assets quicker and easier and improve their profitability, contact us.