The rules governing the subsidies for the Consolida’t program, which allows beneficiaries to obtain a specialized advisory and training service on business management for the self-employed, have been approved.
They can be beneficiary entities of the Consolida’t program:
- Business schools, universities and university schools or entities dependent or linked to them, and professional associations that accredit experience and knowledge in conducting training activities in business management and advisory activities for the self-employed.
- Professional associations of self-employment in Catalonia.
Requirements of the beneficiary entities:
- Be constituted and registered in the corresponding registry before 6/10/22.
- Not to be deprived of the right to obtain subsidies
- Be up to date with their tax obligations (regional and state).
- To draw up signage and user information signs in Catalan.
- Not to have received labor infractions (including for reasons of sex or gender).
- Have measures for the prevention of labor discrimination between men and women.
- Entities with 25 or more employees must have a plan to prevent and detect sexual harassment.
- Entities with 50 or more employees, 2% of the workforce must be made up of employees with disabilities.
- Have an occupational risk prevention plan
- Associations must have prepared and published annual accounts and foundations must have filed them with the protectorate.
- Associations and foundations must have registered their bylaws in the corresponding registry.
- Comply with intellectual property regulations.
- At least 2 years of experience in training and business management consulting.
- Have the necessary advisors depending on the number of hours of advice to be provided. The advisors must meet a long list of requirements.
Recipients of the Consolida’t program grant and requirements to be met:
- Self-employed with residence and tax domicile in Catalonia.
- Self-employed economically dependent.
- Self-employed members of private civil societies, communities of goods or limited companies:
- Who do not have more than 4 workers or,
- Turnover of less than 500.000€.
As a common requirement to these three above is to be registered as self-employed before participating in the program.
4. Self-employed who have ceased an activity and want to start a new self-employed project. Requirement: to be registered as unemployed job seekers at the SOC.
5. Self-employed collaborators of family members. Requirement: to be registered as self-employed collaborator in RETA.
The processing of this aid can only be done telematically and it will be necessary to have a digital certificate.
The deadline to apply for this aid is short, it starts on 25.10.2021 and ends on 29.10.2021.
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